A snapshot of the FreeBSD Ports Collection. It contains makefiles, patches and configuration scripts necessary to make the applications in the distfiles/ directory compile and run on FreeBSD. If your FreeBSD machine is connected to the Internet, you need not download the application source code from distfiles/ because the makefile will automatically fetch it for you. A better way to update your ports collection is to use svn: see http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/svn.html for more information. If you prefer to use this tarball to update your ports collection, you must remove the old copy (e.g. rm -rf /usr/ports/, although you may like to preserve the /usr/ports/distfiles/ directory first) before extracting the new one. Otherwise, files removed from the ports collection will still exist on your system, and you are likely to encounter problems when compiling ports. See http://www.freebsd.org/ports/ for more information about the Ports Collection.